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Donetsk Oblast governor targets Ukraine number one spot

Donetsk Oblast governor targets Ukraine number one spot

Governor of Donetsk Oblast Andriy Shishatsky tells fDi about the work the region is doing to become the number one destination for new investment projects in Ukraine.

Competing for centre stage

Donetsk Oblast's industrial cities undergo pro-business revolution

Much of the FDI into Donetsk Oblast is concentrated on its largest city and administrative centre, Donetsk, but with industrial hubs spread across the region, there are plentiful investment opportunities elsewhere, which the region's officials are working on ways to promote.

Donetsk makes a better connection

Donetsk makes a better connection

Strategically placed between Asia, Europe and the Middle East, Donetsk Oblast's potential as a transport hub - by rail, air or sea - has long been recognised. Now that investment is being thrown at the sector, this potential looks set to be realised.

Donetsks industrial past gets a refit

Donetsk's industrial past gets a refit

Built on steel and coal, Donetsk Oblast has a long history of industry, but now the region is looking to diversify its offerings. With investment opportunities in new technologies, tourism, logistics and warehousing, backed up by political will, the region looks set to prosper.

Antigua and Barbuda's offshore education lesson

Offshore education is proving a lucrative sideline for Antigua and Barbuda, and gives the country a year-round influx of visitors. Little wonder, then, that its government is making strides to enhance its reputation in this field.

Antigua and Barbuda stays ahead of the digital game

Antigua and Barbuda stays ahead of the digital game

Antigua and Barbuda was a pioneering player in the online gaming industry, and can list a host of successes among its homegrown tech businesses. Now the launch of the country's Government Assisted Technology Endeavour looks set to enhance its reputation in the information and communications technology sector.

Antigua and Barbuda looks to cash in on fruit appeal

Antigua and Barbuda looks to cash in on fruit appeal

Antigua and Barbuda's farmers produce a wide variety of fruits in abundance, the vast majority of which is consumed locally. Steps have been taken to export these products, but the industry is very much in its early stages, meaning opportunities aplenty for investors.

Widening the tourist trail

Antigua and Barbuda widens the tourist trail

Thanks to its profusion of sun-soaked beaches, tourism will always be a pillar of Antigua and Barbuda's economy, but its government is keen to diversify the country's appeal beyond traditional leisure tourism and into medical tourism and offshore learning. It has also proposed a new citizenship programme, aimed at attracting high-net-worth individuals to invest in the country.

New horizons for new United
From Companies

Merged United Airlines looks to new horizons

United and Continental’s merger to create the world’s biggest airline was not without issues, but now the new airline is looking beyond the glitches, to new aircraft, new markets and new routes. 

Pittsburgh continues tradition of innovation

Pittsburgh continues tradition of innovation

Pittsburgh’s fertile environment of support, funding and intellectual capital is helping technology start-ups get a foothold in the world of business.

Global greenfield investment trends

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